Aumann, Tom & Lois
Aumann, John & Sheila
Bohm, Randall & Mary-Bohm
Country Store, Charles Harvey
Culhane, Kevin & Maureen
Dallas, Charles & Teri
Danbury, Dolly Memorial Sch.
Dreier, Tim & Paige
Eberlein M.G.
Edwards, Troy & Joanne
Ferris, Dr. David & Jane
Gillis Jeff & Dr. Beth
Gloria Blonde IMO
Granchay, John
Harms, Ronald & Barbara IMO
Heritage Veneered Products
Johnston, Michael & Idell
Klement, Troy & Kim
Knope, Kort & Monique
Labby, Dan & Kristine
Lasch Motors, Lasch, Nap
Lesica, Mike & Julie
Malueg, Ron & Mary
McDonald's of Shawano
Miller, Steve & Cindee, B
Nemetz, Donald & Marion
Rollmann, Dick
Ryczek, Carol Wilhelms, D.
Sale of Mustang
Shawano Optimist
SHS Class of 1951
Sleeper, Michael & Shannon Neumann-Sleeper
Timbco Hydraulics, Inc.
Valley King, Shawano Burger King
Wegner, Doug & Christina
Wisconsin Gas, Wicor Co.